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New Test Proposal

I want a new test on HF Lab Formulary - what do I do?

The HF Lab Formulary is a multidisciplinary and collaborative entity within HFHS. We are always looking for new tests that help meet the needs of our patients and providers. In case you are interested in having a new or existing test reviewed by HFHS Lab Formulary, please follow the following steps:

  1. Decide if you (or someone else you know) can serve as a ‘clinical champion’ to provide the clinical context and guidance to experts on HF Lab Formulary. Once a clinical champion has been identified, he/she should fill out the Test Proposal Form with as much information is possible. Once completed, hit ‘submit’ and the information would be relayed to the HF Lab Formulary Administrator at cetac@hfhs.org.
  2. All new requests and questions to HF Lab Formulary are reviewed by our staff. They are routed to the appropriated subject matter experts. After a preliminary review, HF Lab Formulary administrator will reach out to the clinical champion for any additional information.
  3. Once all medical, financial, operational information has been collated, the HF Lab Formulary administrator will reach out to the clinical champion and put the request on the docket for the next meeting of MLFC or one of its subcommittees.
  4. At the meeting, the clinical champion will provide the context and use-case scenario for the test and answer any questions from subject matter experts. Once the request has been evaluated for inclusion criteria, a formal vote is taken to identify the most appropriate tier for the test.

For Questions regarding HFHS Laboratory Formulary contact us at
313-916-5227 or CETAC@hfhs.org

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 3:05 PM

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