6th Floor, Clinic Bldg.
2799 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 916-2964
Specimen Transportation


Open Lung Wedge Biopsy Protocol
- If in house, please call the Frozen Section Laboratory(313)916-1279 or Gross Lab ((313)916-2319) in advance to allow preparation for fresh, sterile handling of lung tissue.
- After hours or weekends, notify, in advance, on-call resident at (313)598-1735 and surgical pathologist at (313)714-0545 by beeper. Allow for up to 60 minutes transit time.
- Submit sterile lung tissue (fresh, no fixative) to the Frozen Section Laboratory, or 6 floor Grossing Room E&R 6111 in a sterile container labeled with patient’s name, MRN and specimen description.
- Provide clinical history on the Epic requistion form, under Surgical Pathology Exam.
- Include completed Microbiology/Molecular Biology Epic request. Microbiology tests would include: AFB Culture, Biopsy/Tissue culture with gram stain, Fungal culture (includes wet mount), CMV DNA, Qualitative. Additional testing, based on clinical judgement may include Anaerobe Culture, Legionella Culture, Pneumocystis PCR (WPCP) (write on the request form). The case will be accessioned and the pathologist’s assistant will transport and partition tissue in Microbiology with the completed requisition form. The remainder of the tissue will be insufflated with formalin and grossed on the 6th floor grossing room.
- Turnaround time is 24-72 hours. Preliminary results may be of limited value since many lung injury patterns are nonspecific and require additional tests to better delineate.
- For discussion of results and special issues, call Surgical Pathology Administration at(313) 916-2326.
Last Modified:
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 3:05 PM
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