6th Floor, Clinic Bldg.
2799 West Grand Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 916-2964
Specimen Transportation


Node Biopsy for Lymphoma Work-up
- Submit fresh tissue specimen, no fixative,
- Wrap the tissue in saline soaked gauze and put the gauze in a container OR drop the tissue in a container filled with saline.
- Complete Epic request form, select correct Anatomic Tissue Part type and include note: "Fresh Tissue for Lymphnode Work-up".
- Label container with patient's name, MRN and specimen description. (Epic generated labels)
- Label "Fresh Tissue for Lymphoma Work-up" .
- Place the specimen container and request form in biohazard bag
- Provide pertinent clinical history, proper ICD9 code and requesting physician code
- HFH Detroit campus specimen delivery: Deliver promptly to Surgical Pathology Laboratory
- Medical Centers, West Bloomfield, Wyandotte and Clinton township hospital specimen delivery:
- Order specimen in Sunquest as "Referred test" (RTSP) so that it can be placed on Sunquest tracking list for shipment to HFH and label biohazard bag
- Prepare Transport Batch list for specimen
- Pack specimen for transport to HFH
- Place specimen in “Rush Delivery” cooler
- Notify grossing/accessioning room on 6th floor of HFH E & R building at (313) 916-2319
- Notify transplant immunology at (313) 916-3165
- Follow established procedure to transport specimen by stat lab courier, A-1 International (248-786-2040 ext 2303) or cab to HFH Detroit campus.
- After hours delivery: If after 5:00 p.m., or on weekends notify -
- Anatomic Pathology resident on-call at beeper (313) 598-1735.
- If resident cannot be reached, call hematopathologist on-call. (Please check on-call schedule for contact numbers).
- Routine turnaround time is 48-72 hours.
- Immunophenotyping and molecular diagnostic assays will delay final diagnosis.
- Discussion of results and special issues, call (313) 916-PATH (7284).
Last Modified:
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 10:51 AM
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